NPI Profile Modification

You are about to modify NPI profile 1316374085. This page will help you with the desired modifications to your NPI profile. Before you proceed please read the important information below that will help you better understaing the actions that are going to take place.

We truly appreciate your concern and your privacy is our main priority. Our site does not keep any database, we are reflecting the NPI information that is publicly exposed by NPPES - the governmental organization that issues NPI numbers. We encourage you to take a moment and alter your profile to hide any private information, cause it becomes publicly distributed in the internet by NPPES. You can alter or update your information using the instructions below.

All complaints regarding the private information exposed publicly or other similar types of inquiries must be forwarded to NPPES using their contacts listed on our FAQ page. But we do care about your privacy, so we will give you all necessary tools to resolve the issue.

Please follow the checklist below to ensure correctness of operation performed:

1. Update your profile at NPPES. This step is required to prevent your private information from being distributed acorss the Web and to ensure correct information is displayed. In order to complete it, you need to contact NPPES by one of the following means asking to apply necessary changes to your NPI profile. As soon as NPPES completes this operation you will get a notification from them:

By phone:
1-800-465-3203 (NPI Toll-Free)
1-800-692-2326 (NPI TTY)

By mail at:
NPI Enumerator
PO Box 6059
Fargo, ND 58108-6059

Note: contacts above are not our contacts - this is the contact information of NPPES - governmental organization that manages NPI numbers

I confirm the NPI Profile has been updated at NPPES

2. Verify data at NPPES. This step will ensure that NPPES have already updated your data and synchronization will work over correct information. Click button below to retrieve the data from current NPPES database and compare it with what is shown on our site.

Important: we've seen situations when even after customers receive notifications from NPPES information is not actually updated on their side. Please allow up to 3 days for NPPES to actually process your request. You may try synchronizaton durion this period as many times as you like.

Information in NPPES database is correct and must be used

3. Synchronize with NPPES. This step will synchronize the internal cache with NPPES. All information that you have submitted to NPPES will instantly appear on site.

Important: we've seen situations when even after customers receive notifications from NPPES information is not actually updated on their side. Please allow up to 3 days for NPPES to actually process your request. You may try synchronizaton durion this period.